I was missing a C …

I have created five content types for H5P so far: Agamotto, Bingo (should be released shortly), Dictation, Essay and Juxtaposition. For some reason I noticed that those begin with A, B, D, E, and J — so it felt natural that my sixth content type should begin with a C to close one of the gaps 😉 Here it is …

Say hello to H5P Cornell Notes

I felt that the H5P content type family might need a new member that can help students with synthesizing and applying their knowledge. Well, that’s where Cornell notes may come in handy, and now you can provide a text, a video or an audio file that students can study and that they can attach their notes to directly. It’s not a spectacular content type, but hopefully you can put it to good use.

On this site, the available width for the content is small, so you will have to use the button in the upper left corner to toggle between the exercise and the notes. If the host system provides enough space or if you go to fullscreen mode on this page, both the exercise and the notes can be displayed next to each other — which is a little more convenient.

If you’re using H5P on your own system, the notes can be saved and retrieved later, of course. In order for this to work, users have to be logged in however, and H5P’s save content state feature has to be enabled.

It’s still a beta version, and some things may change, but feel free to download this content demo and upload it to your system in order to play around with it before the final version arrives. If you want to peek at the source code, you can find it on github, of course. It’s open source software.

I know there are some features that you may feel are missing … Stay tuned for some more info on that!

30 Replies to “I was missing a C …”

  1. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit H5P-C bereits in Moodle zu nutzen? Innerhalb des H5P Plugins scheint man noch keinen Zugriff zu haben?

    1. Hallo Johanna!

      Bevor der Inhaltstyp offiziell in der Auswahl erscheint, muss das H5P-Kernteam erst den Quelltext begutachten. Das machen sie allerdings erst dann, wenn sie ein bisschen Zeit dafür haben.

      Sofern du berechtigt bist, neue Bibliotheken zu installieren, kannst du dir das Beispiel hier aber herunterladen und im H5P-Editor hochladen (statt einen neuen Inhalt zu erstellen). Danach steht auch H5P.Cornell zur Verfügung.

      Viele Grüße

  2. Danke für die schnelle Antwort, Oliver!

    Ich habe es hinbekommen! Nun noch eine kleine Frage, ich würde gerne als “Exercise Content” eine PDF Datei direkt einbinden, so dass die Studierenden sich durchscrollen und nebenbei Notizen machen können. Kann das funktionieren, so wie ich mir das vorstelle? Aber schonmal vielen, vielen Dank für die Erweiterung, find’ ich dufte! 🙂

    1. Es gibt dafür aber ein anderes Plugin in Moodle, wo die SuS gemeinsam, Kollaboration Notizen zu einem PDF machen können. Es heißt PDF-Annotation auf Deutsch.

      1. Hiho!

        Danke für die Ergänzung. Funktioniert sicher gut! Ich sehe lediglich die Nachteile, dass man sich an moodle als Plattform bindet und PDF-Dateien nur bedingt ein offenes Format darstellen.

  3. Hallo, Johanna!

    Nein, das geht leider nicht, da es zum Anzeigen von PDFs keinen Inhaltstyp von H5P gibt. Ist denkbar, aber müsste erst programmiert werden und wäre natürlich eine weitere Unterstützung für das PDF-Schleudern.

    Viele Grüße

  4. Hi Oliver,
    Then again this content type can come very handy ! Thanks !
    I just want to let you know about a teeny tiny little thing with french single quotes (apostrophe ?) being weirdly rendered. Hard to explain with my poor and clumsy english, so here is a link to show you what I mean : https://www.exercices-numeriques.fr/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=h5p_embed&id=295.
    Have a look at the placeholders : see the weird characters ?
    No big deal, but I thought I’d give feedback 🙂
    Kind regards,

  5. Glad I could be of some minor help 🙂
    Thanks for the fix : I lookep up the modified code on your Github repo and changed the cornell.js file on my FTP but it didn’t work. It is probably a little more complicated than that :D) I will wait for the official release – in May I guess 😉
    Kind regards,

    1. Yes and no. Either you clean H5P’s cache, or you simply re-download my demo, upload it to your system, and thus receive the updated version of the library.

  6. Hi Oliver !

    I hope that you are well and thank you a lot for the latest H5P-AR content-type ! I have not found the time yet to play with it but I am thinking Escape Games with my students already 😀

    I am cleaning a bit my WP website and my hundreds of H5P contents these days and I have just come to realize that my Cornell content was not displaying any longer. So I have downloaded your demo-content and re-uploaded it on my website but your content doesn’t show either. As I have been tweaking the H5Pmods these last few days I first thought that this might have something to do with my tweaks, but even if I take my tweaks out, the Cornell doesn’t show.

    I have made a video capturing my screen to show you my console log errors : can you please tell me if the error is on my end and, if so, where I could start to look to fix it ? Is it another plugin conflicting or anything else… Here is the link : https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/video/627890?key=12079fd627cb30efe1b0d1220035bc4ehttps://www.awesomescreenshot.com/video/627890?key=12079fd627cb30efe1b0d1220035bc4e

    (NB : my H5P libraries are all up to date (except H5P InteractiveBook) and my WP has not been migrated yet to version 5.5.)

    Thanks in advance for your help !


  7. Sorry about that… I don’t know why you get this error.
    I am uploading the video to my Dropbox but my connexion is… well like good old modems 20 years ago 😉 Here is the link : https://www.dropbox.com/s/l8fr8x46v9mgcvm/Demo%20of%20a%20basic%20version%20of%20H5P%20Cornell%20Notes%20%E2%80%B9%20Edit%20%E2%80%B9%20Exercices%20num%C3%A9riques%20%E2%80%94%20WordPress.mp4?dl=0 (Hope this will work well this time).

    And here is the link to the Cornell content-type : https://www.exercices-numeriques.fr/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=h5p_embed&id=632

  8. Oh… well, this is not good for me. I am going to investigate and try to find out what’s happening. Thanks anyway for your time !

  9. As promised : I have tried some things so here is an update : I have tried to disable H5PMods, then H5Pikatchu and H5Pulse-resize (clearing cache all the way)but no luck. Then I have disabled a bunch of other WP plugins + cleared cache, but they were already activated before I even tried Cornell so I don’t think that they are causing this. – and I had no luck either. So the mystery remains. I will keep looking thought 🙂

  10. I really can’t tell what’s wrong, sorry. Have you tried putting WordPress in development mode temporarily (by adding define('H5P_DEV', true); to your wp_config.php file) and then uploading the demo content from this site? If you don’t, H5P will not install libraries from the file if they are already present on your system.

  11. Actually, Oliver, you must have had a clue because I have just followed your advice (I didn’t know about this “development mode” to activate in wp_config.php file), re-uploaded your demo-content – and TADA ! it works now ! There was a message announcing that 11 H5P libraries were added (I checked which ones with my FTP client : at least Flowplayer, H5P.Cornell, H5P.Video).
    What do you think happened ? A file got corrupted ? Anyway, your advice was pure gold and it has solved the issue. I don’t know if it safe or unsafe to stay in dev mode so I have removed the addition from my wp_config file. (And the content is still showing). I am crossing fingers here and sending a HUGE thanks to you for taking the time to help and advise.
    Big thanks again ! Have a nice WE !

    1. I don’t know what might have caused that issue. Corrupted files would break more stuff. It was just the usual last resort: reinstall.

      You shouldn’t run a site in dev mode if it’s a productive system.

  12. Hi Oliver,

    Cool plug-in: Cornell.
    Question: where is the text and so on? In the gradebook? As a cookie on the student’s drive?

    Regards, Kees.

    1. Neither. If you have activated the saveContentState feature of H5P, it will be saved in the user database table of H5P and in the browser’s localStorage to prevent erasing the texts if the authors changes the content.

  13. Hi Oliver,

    A couple of questions/ideas…

    1) How difficult it would be to add more possible content to take notes from? It would be really helpful being able to show other interactive content of H5P like Interactive Videos or Course Presentations, etc. and not only Text, Image or Video (which is really nice BTW)

    2) It would be great to have a way to search for keywords or tags inside the content of the notes. How difficult would be to have that functionality?

    3) I tried using Markdown on the text field and is not working. Did I do something wrong or is not possible? If is not possible how difficult would be to have that option?

    4) I could imagine quite a useful integration between Cornell Notes and the Interactive Book content types: It would be very useful to have the option of activate “Cornell Notes” for a whole Interactive Book or either for some chapters or topics of the book. On those pages or sections where that function would be activated, the user is able to create notes which are “tagged” to that topic/chapter/page (if I understand well each page of an interactive book has its own link, so that would be an advantage, right?)

    Best regards and thank you for your great work!

    1. Hi Giovanni!

      Thanks for your comment!

      1) It would not be difficult, probably just some tweaks necessary here and there.

      2) Probably not difficult, but fiddly. Textareas cannot hold highlighted text, so you’d have to – for instance – create a duplicate text in the background and highlight that.

      3) It’s a plain text area – there’s no text parser attached to it. Kind of surprising to me that you expect markdown to work out of the box. There are probably markdown libraries that could be used, but how do you suggest that the UX should work? Toggle between editor and view?

      4) Feel free to suggest that to the H5P core team.


  14. Hi Oliver,
    I hope you are doing well. I just wondered do you know how close this content type is from being released? I see the job there on the “to be released’ list in H5P Jira with the last update 9 March 2020 https://h5ptechnology.atlassian.net/browse/HFP-2828
    I would love to be able to start using it and introduce it at my Institute.

    P.S. It’s been a while since seeing you do a live session! I hope you are all well in this Covid crisis.
    Best regards,

  15. Hey Ben!
    I don’t know what’s preventing “Cornell Notes” from being released on the H5P Hub. Same for “Bingo”. You’d have to ask the H5P core team for the reason.
    The live streams, yes. That I know. There wasn’t much to report 🙂 And currently, I am simply glad if I have some free time.

  16. Am I to understand there is no way to save the notes using WordPress or Moodle?
    Is it only Drupal that can save the notes?

    It’s pretty useless for my students, unless I can save students’ notes within my Moodle installation.

    1. Hi Stopbit!

      Um, no, you understand that wrong. Where did you get that impression? All you need to do is activate the “save content state” feature in your H5P plugin’s settings.


  17. Hi Oliver,

    Only just noticed your excellent Cornell Notes has been ‘released’ and promoted by H5P. Would it be too difficult to include a button to create a downloadable PDF like the one used in the Documentation-tool interaction?

    I appreciate that this might only be possible for each not ‘set’ (where there are multiple notes pages) but I am in a workplace training environment where students to not have perpetual access to courses on our LMS. I’d love them to have their notes as a printed takeaway.

    I’m now about to experiment with your AR interaction!



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