A new playground: H5P Essay

Note: You can download the content type here, but remember that it is still in development and might not work perfectly.

What you’re looking at here is rather an experimental playground than a fully elaborated content type for H5P. Learners can write a text and receive feedback immediately. Initially (and maybe finally), this feedback will simply be based on a list of keywords that have been defined by a teaching person before. That’s a very naive approach, but it might be useful in some cases or could support teachers with grading.

The content type could possibly evolve into a solution for automated essay scoring using machine learning techniques — with all the pros and cons attached to that. However, that’s merely wishful thinking right now anyway.

You are hereby invited to have a look at the ideas for this content type — and to share your own, of course!

If you want to know more (and also want to see the editor), have a look at this video although it’s outdated already.

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2 Replies to “A new playground: H5P Essay”

  1. Hi Oliver, this is great, thanks for spending so much of your own time doing these things!

    Just one question, is there a way for me as a teacher to see the learner responses to this, for example, I’d like to give an indicative grade by using the AI, but then review and give detailed feedback myself. Is this possible? Thanks so much. Marc

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