Not done yet, but what do you think about H5P Dictation?

At the first H5P conference in Tromsø, I was asked whether I could create a content type for dictations. Well, here’s a preview of what I have come up with so far 🙂 Feedback is welcome as always.

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Of course, you can try it out yourself. If you use the download button below, you can add this version to your own H5P environments. Just beware of using it in production. Some things might change until it is officially released, break your content and you’d have to start over again.

7 Replies to “Not done yet, but what do you think about H5P Dictation?”

  1. Brillant content type and very powerful ! Very useful as well for teachers eager to train their students. Your work on the Essay content type is also impressive : big thumbs up from France ?

  2. Looks very nice!
    But if I download it an tried to use it, I get the error

    Validating h5p package failed.
    Missing required library H5P.Dication 0.2

    What can I do, that I can use it?

    1. Das ist seltsam, denn genau die Bibliothek sollte in der H5P-Datei ja enthalten sein. Scheitert es womöglich an fehlenden Upload-Rechten?

  3. I followed this content type on github ( and i see that it has been updated regulary. I would really like to try these new updates, since i already use this content type by downloading it from here. 🙂

    Could you renew this one so i can download it again? 🙂

    1. Hi Valentin!

      I’ve created an update, but let me emphasize that I offered H5P Dictation here for testing purposes only. Meanwhile, I changed some settings and didn’t bother to write an update script, so your old content might break (possibly fixable by editing and saving again, depending on the previous version that you had).


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