Make sharing H5P content even easier!

Earlier this month I was at the first OERcamp Werkstatt close to Berlin, Germany. The event was something like a hackathon with the aim to create and publish open educational resources. My task was to advise the participants on H5P and LearningApps.

Both H5P and LearningApps are tools that enable you to create interactive content on the web. I think H5P is superior by far for a number of reasons, but LearningApps has some nice features, too. For example, teachers appreciate that under each of their contents they can see a URL that leads directly to the content. They can easily copy and forward that link. There is also a QR code for the same purpose. You can download it or enlarge it and use it directly to share the link. After I introduced H5P to some teachers last week and they asked me how to get the link for sharing (within WordPress), I had to do something 🙂

H5P Sharing (screenshot)

On Monday I released a small plugin called H5P-Sharing, which adds some flavour to the H5P plugin for WordPress. Content authors now have the opportunity

  • to copy the direct link to the content (no need to create a blog post or a page first),
  • to save the corresponding QR code or to use it enlarged for sharing immediately, or
  • to copy the well known HTML code snippet for embedding the content at a single push of a button.

That’s all it does. But it could do more:

  • The links could have an expiration date …
  • The links could be protected by a password …
  • The links could require the user(s) to be logged in …
  • The content that is linked to could be enclosed by some customizeable template …

If you want to, you can take the source code and extend the plugin, but of course you can also hire me for creating new things related to H5P. Don’t be shy and get in touch!